Southall 830-1982

Mr Gibson proposed, Mr W. Pearce seconded that the church be built. Mr Pearce did not see the church built — he died 8th August, 1887. Mr J. Lee Hon. Architect. It was to be mostly of rugged stone to seat 500. In the plan a bell tower was proposed but this was never built. The site was set out by Mr C. Abbott and Mr Norman. Revd Henry Mills preached his first sermon on Sunday, March 24th, 1886. In 1886 the Vicar, Revd H. C. Hodge, left for Shanghai leaving Revd Mills in charge.
The church was built in 1890 — four stained glass windows; reredos, carved oak pulpit, and choir stalls were presented by Mr William Welsh, consecrated by the Bishop of London. The Vicarage was built in 1894. The living was £415 and Vicarage Gross yearly. In 1887 there was transferred from St Marys Church, Norwood, a bequest given by Robert Hampton of 13 1/- bread tickets to be distributed to the poor of the Parish after Christmas morning service. Registers start from January 31st, 1891.
The iron church was taken down and re-erected at the end of what was to be West End Road and was the start of another Parish, St George’s. Mrs Mills died 8th August, 1901 and Revd Henry Mills died 25th April, 1917.

Quite a lot of shops were built between 1885-90. Along the Uxbridge Road on the left hand side 8 between Herbert Road and Beachcroft Avenue; 9 to Oswald Road and 22 to Hambrough Road. In Denmark Road (King Street) on the left hand side 11 to the Black Dog. Houses were being built on the steam field estate and York Road (Clarence Street), Dudley Road, Spencer Street. Adelaide Road commenced 1890.
In all these roads, as was the vogue in those times, some shops were included. Kingston Road is one of the oldest in the town, constructed by Hansons, Builders, all the houses on the right hand side are in pairs except for the first eight: all alike, bay-fronted with round arched porches. All houses being built now were connected with a sewer, running water and gas.
Between 1880-90 one or two more beer houses came into being: The Beehive, Mount Pleasant; The Prince of Wales, Western Road; Havelock Arms, Denmark Road; Wolf, Norwood Road. In later years they all became full licenced.
There were still 7 farms in Southall: Dormers Wells, Waxlow Manor, Sparrow, Southall Green, Glebe, Hortus and Langdons. Also a large fruit plantation at Mount Pleasant.

Miscellaneous Recordings between 1880-90
Bostock and Wombwells Circus came on Monday, February 15th, 1886. Tickets 1/- and 6d.
8th Middlesex Rifle Volunteers paraded to Norwood Parish Church for service. Revd J. L. MacDonald, Rector.
Mr J. Dunn, Headmaster Norwood Bridge School — his salary was £110 per year — Mary Roberts articled as a Pupil Teacher 1886.