Southall 830-1982

Council News
New Town Hall site in South Road to be a temporary car park. This lasted 25 years. Although the housing committee reported £6,000 rent surplus, fears were expressed that, due to the ever increasing cost of building council houses, rent would eventually be raised 2½ times, what an understatement that turned out to be! £151,000 was allocated for houses to be built in Havelock Road.
The result of Council elections — Dormers Wells, J. N. Ward (Con.), Northcote, F. R. Day (Lab.); Glebe, P. G. Southey (Lab.), Hamborough, Mrs . W. Jones (Lab.), Waxlow, J. Barrett (Lab.); Norwood Green, W. J. Lamb (Lab.). This was the first time Norwood Green had returned a Labour member. Mrs I. Cavell, JP, elected Mayor for 1957-58. The County rate up 1/6d and the general rate up by 1/8d to 16/6d in the £. This year was the 21st anniversary of Southall becoming a borough and several events took place to mark the occasion. A proposal was put forward that the Charter Mayor, Mr W. Garrod, be made a Freeman of the town – regrettably it did not find support. Another suggestion which was never carried out was for a commemorative clock to be placed on the Manor House and, although a Mr F. W. Dean who had bought the old original Manor House clock for scrap and had restored it, offered it to the council, it was refused.
The town was in a very festive mood and held a glorious August show with a 3/4 mile long procession which included American bands. The Scouts  held a weekend Jamborette in the park and raised over £100 for charities. For  the first time the schools sports were held at the Municipal Sports Ground, Spikes Bridge.
Battle of Britain week brought forth its usual social activities. Pointing the way to the growth of the coloured population 500 celebrated Indian  Independence Day in the park and the setting up of the Indian Workers’ Association on Sunday, 18th August.
A clearance order was made for 21 houses in Featherstone Terrace, and a very old block of flats 9 – 15 The Crescent which had been built in 1880. The old Gem (The Century) closed down on Saturday, 17th August but not for long. It was reopened with Indian films being shown within a few months. At the end of September Cutlands Limited, drapers, in the King Street closed after 72 years.
Mount Pleasant Hospital was changed from Isolation to Care for the aged sick. The first mention of efforts to start Southall’s Eventide Homes – a registered company was formed: Chairman Councilor Lye, Secretary Mr H. Armstrong, but in 1958 Councilor Lye was replaced by Dr Shephard as Chairman and Lady Daphne Straight became President. This later resulted in the home being established in Telford Road. Prince Philip visited the AEC works on the 26th November. The Southall Community Centre was becoming very popular, Mr Carslake was Chairman, Mr J. Mashford resigned as warden at the end of November and Mr Harold Hallett appointed to take over February, 1958.