Southall 830-1982

The General Rate in 1962 was 21/4d in the pound. Councillor J. Barrett elected Mayor for 1961/62. Holy Trinity Church had built a Parish Hall and Social Centre next to the Church in Park View Road and offered Trinity Hall Lady Margaret Road to the Council but, after several debates, the offer was rejected. It was later sold to `Vishua Hindu Mandet’, an Indian Religious group.
£5,000 was spent on the lay-out and improvements to Brent Meadow.
From 1960 onwards the number of new Southallians gradually increased and began to settle in large numbers on the Hambrough Estate. The price they were prepared to pay for houses encouraged the original tenants to sell. Of course they were exploited by moneyed members of their own clan and, usually, in order to pay the high rents charged one or two families shared a house. This caused the Borough Councils quite a lot of problems. By the time Southall Borough became incorporated with Ealing the number of new Southallians had reached about 45,000, and had spread all over the town.
Although officially no Ugandians were to settle, 870 managed to arrive. they began to acquire businesses and shops, and the High Street and King Street began to display all types of Asian goods and vegetables. In order to try to keep the ratio of white and coloured children in the schools, and due to, lack of places in the schools, a fleet of coaches was hired by the Education Committee to take children to out-lying schools each morning. All the various religious bodies fitted themselves in and Southall Council Minutes recall several applications of help towards accommodation for social events.
On the north side of the town, towards the end of Allenby Road, a water tower was built and several more houses, and this meant that the Church of the Redeemer was also built in Allenby Road in 1963 as an off-shoot of Holy Trinity.
The population in 1961 was 52,985. The Mayor elected for 1962-63
W. J. Hopkins, JP. Mrs B. A. Chard died on 21st January, 1968 — she was Chairman SNUD Council 1926. All property had been reassessed for rating and the rate for 1963-64 was 7/6d (37½p) in the pound.
The Works Centre for the elderly was established in Featherstone Terrace May 1963 at a cost of £3,000.
No 3 Smoke Control Order came into being on the 1st July, 1963. No 5 order came later in the year. Grants were made to householders towards the cost of adapting their fire to smokeless fuel.
Mr C. R. Syrett, former Town Clerk died 18th September, 1963.
The death occurred in December 1968 of Mr W. Haigh, JP. He founded the Haigh Picture Frame Factory in the old Robinson Mill at Norwood Bridge. He took a great deal of interest in local affairs and was a Councillor on the SNUD Council for some years.
The Freedom of the Borough was conferred on Aldermen J. Haigh, A. T. Dane, H. Douglas, W. J. Hopkins.
The general rate for 1963/64 was 7/6d in the pound.
The Mayor elected for 1964/65 was Alderman A. T. Dane. On the 3rd May the death was reported of Mr J. B. Thomson. He served the town for 42 years. First as Assistant Surveyor and, after war service, as Borough Surveyor for 14 years. On his retirement in 1950 he was made a Freeman.