APPENDIX 4 (cont)
The Maypole Military Band was first formed in 1911 and reformed after the 1914-18 war. Mr Wheeler (timekeeper) was Bandmaster. In 1923 they had an addition of six ex-army bandsmen, one of whom was Mr Alf Soop who eventually took over as bandmaster until the works closed down between 1925-29. The works also had an orchestra under Mr Wheeler’s baton.
Between the wars the British Legion started a Brass Band with Mr J. Harbar as Bandmaster. Later it carried on under Mr W. Meads. Its last concert programme was given on Sunday, 26th July, 1937. It gradually faded out before 1939
After 1945 efforts were made to form a Southall Town Band with Mr Brophy as Bandmaster. Bandsmen who had previously been with other local bands joined in. They used to play under contract to the Council in the Park and Recreation Ground. In 1962 their Secretary, Mr A. Spackman, resigned after five years. The band made an application to the Borough for a grant of £250 towards new uniforms. This they offered as a loan against the band carrying out engagements with the object of early repayment. This the band declined – they were, at the same time, seeking new members. They eventually finished when under the baton of Mr Oaten in 1966.
In 1944 Supt Taylor of No 55 Division St John Ambulance with the help of Mr J. Galvin (late Irish Guards Band) formed an Ambulance Cadet Band. Mr Galvin trained boys and girls and, at its peak in 1946, had 26 members. They played at various functions and parades. Alas, boys and girls grow up and National Service took its toll. Lacking new members it finished in 1952.
In 1946 there came into being ‘The Pride of Murray Bagpipe Band’. This was formed from the local Air Training Corps. It had 24 members and gained for itself a good reputation performing at the Royal Tournament and the Lord Mayor’s Show. It was always in demand. Mace Bearer was Mr Raymond Painter.
From the very beginning of youth organisations in the town each have had their bands. In 1912 the 1st Southall Scout Troop had a Drum and Fife Band, trained by Mr Dunn. St George’s Scouts, when formed, started a Bugle Band which made a reputation for itself. The Boys’ Brigade attached to the Baptist Church have still a small Bugle Band, and The Church Lads Brigade (St Johns) also had a splendid Bugle Band which started as early as 1912. This carried on up till 1972 when Mr Weedon, Bandmaster and Trainer, retired, moved to the Isle of Wight and could not be replaced. The girls were not to be out-done. The 2nd Southall Girls’ Life Brigade attached to the Barn Mission formed, in 1950, a small band consisting of 9 trumpets, 3 side drums, bass drum and cymbals. Under Bandmaster Mr Ron Pannell and Captain Ida Dorward they achieved great success, leading parades and playing at social occasions. They finally won the GLB National Band Competition in 1957; but girls grow up and, after nearly ten years, it was disbanded in 1960.
The Featherstone Road School Band started in 1948 by Hubert Osgood with the help of Mr Downs, School Headmaster, borrowing some brass instruments from the local Salvation Army. In 1950 Mr K. Cook joined the school and in 1953 the bands first concert tour abroad to Norway and Sweden. Mr Alexander Mitchell took over the band in 1958 and, under his baton, the band toured Germany in 1962, the USA and Canada in 1964. In 1967 the band returned to Canada where they played at the Expo ’67 Exhibition at Montreal.