Southall Chat

Southall-History actively solicits and gratefully welcomes any personal recollections, or scans of old photographs of the town, from current and former ‘long-time’ Southall residents.

Building this website on Southall’s past is to a great extent something of a community project, as although the editor can compile numerous facts, figures and even images relating to Southall’s past, page features are afforded a ‘life of their own’ with the addition of personal contributions from old Southallians.

The period covered by Southall-History extends from the earliest times to the mid 1980’s and all contributions will help to build this free resource into a substantial source of interest for anyone interested in Southall as it used to be; in former, perhaps more genteel times. Feel free to leave your experiences below.

159 responses

  1. Kirpal avatar

    Thank you for such a lovely website. I was born and raised in Southall and have lovely memories growing up. Something about the Royal connection – pictures of The Middletons family home, Featherstone SChool where Kate Middletons mum attended and perhaps even an article from her would be fascinating to everyone.

    1. Frances Partridge avatar
      Frances Partridge

      I attended the Baptist Church in Southall and Carole Goldsmith was a member of the Youth Group. As she is a few years younger than me I only vaguely remember her. But I am sure other member of the Youth Group would have been friendly with her.

  2. martin avatar

    Hi there, if anyone has photos of the greyhound track that used to be in Southall
    i would be most greatfull if i could get hold of some, or if anyone knows how i
    could aquire some photos that would be great to.

    Many thanks, Martin.

  3. Ben Flanagan avatar
    Ben Flanagan

    Hi there

    I’m a journalist and am writing a piece for The National newspaper in the UAE about Southall. I was trying to get in touch with a historian to ask them a few questions about the area; it would be great if anyone who knows about the area could get in touch on [email protected] … (My deadline is 9 October 2014 though!)

    Many thanks!

    Ben Flanagan

  4. Oliver W avatar
    Oliver W

    Can anyone enlighten me as to exactly where Carole Middleton (nee Goldsmith) grew up in the Southall area. I understand she lived at two different addresses and her father lived at 57 Clarence Street. Does anyone know of the other addresses? Many thanks

    1. Tom avatar

      Dudley Road I think

      1. Oliver Wadeson avatar
        Oliver Wadeson

        Thanks… can’t be more specific, Tom?

  5. Linda Kane avatar
    Linda Kane

    I have no personal connection to Southall but have a question that I hope someone can answer.
    I’m interested to know where the old Southall Greyhound Track was located. I understand it was on Havelock Road but as the road is rather long I’d like more precise info.
    I’m actually interested in the Martin family of potters who apparently moved to the site of the old soapworks in 1877 – was this in the vicinity of the dogtrack?
    I understand the dog track was opened in 1939 and possibly demolished in the 1970s. What is on the site now ????

    I would be VERY grateful for any help you can give
    Linda Kane

    1. Tom avatar

      Its free to register if you go on Britain from above and search Southall you will find the dog track It was on the left just past Marlow Road

      1. Geoff. A . Snelling avatar
        Geoff. A . Snelling

        Just for your general information . It is also some where near that area of the dog track that the Martin Brothers had their famous Pottery after they moved their business out of London.

        In the 1950’s when I used to go to the Southall dog races with my Father. Havelock road was still unsealed from just before the dog track all the way through to Top locks on the canal. It was a rough ride even on a bike!
        On both sides of the road in those days it was still allotments just past the Dog tracks and the public footpath.

    2. Ron Mullenger avatar
      Ron Mullenger

      The Southall dog track was on Havelock Road towards the Top Locks area. The site is now a primary school. It closed in 1964. My father spent many hours there, losing lots of money.

    3. Roy Horsham avatar
      Roy Horsham

      Paste the following into Google maps.
      I lived across the road from the dog track in the 50’s. Remember climbing on the wall to watch the races.
      Next to the track was a steel works.

    4. Sarah Dhanjal avatar
      Sarah Dhanjal

      Hi Linda, I’ve been doing some research on this. The Martin Brothers lived in 1 Buckingham Terrace, which no longer exists. The site of their cottage and the old soap works/pottery was where Damsonwood Road now is.

      1. Amar Bhatia avatar
        Amar Bhatia


        How did you know their old works was on Damsonwood road?

        There is no other information about it.

        1. Sarah avatar

          Hi Amar,
          Better late than never! I’m an archaeologist so it’s my research background. I did some map regression work using Ordnance Survey maps and the painting by E L Ham of the site. The OS mapping at this stage is pretty accurate so it is possible to overlay it onto present day mapping and work out the approximate location. I think it is likely the site has been disturbed by construction over the years.

          Best wishes,

    5. Adrian Dorward avatar
      Adrian Dorward

      Hi, don’t know if you have had a reply to your enquiry of August 21, 2014 and don’t know if you will get this, but Southall Dog Track in Havelock Road was just past Warwick Road and was demolished and replaced with Havelock Primary School (which you can see on google maps) in the 80’s, I think. Kind Regards Adrian Dorward, Old Southallian.

      1. Jay Duffield avatar
        Jay Duffield

        Adrian Dorwood OMG Its me Jane Bolding who used to work with Dennis at Hilton Electricals. I had a real crush on you and still have the invite to your 18th party lol
        Also a photo of us outside Southall football Club. Let me know if you want any more info

        1. Jay Duffield avatar
          Jay Duffield

          Adrian Dorwood OMG Its me Jane Bolding who used to work with Dennis at Hilton Electricals. I had a real crush on you and still have the invite to your 18th party lol
          Also a photo of us outside Southall football Club. Let me know if you want any more info
          Sorry no Im not a stalker so dont worry haha

        2. Russell Wileman avatar
          Russell Wileman

          You must have known my dad, George Wileman. He was a regular customer of Hilton’s on Featherstone Road.

    6. Jamie emery avatar
      Jamie emery

      Hi its now havelock school has been since 1980, I’m pretty sure Prince charles opened the school back then as for Martin family I’m sure they were based at top locks

  6. ed Hayles avatar
    ed Hayles

    I have a publication from the first war detailing by name and address those from southall serving in the forces during this time along with those who died in service. My family lived in Regina Rd and and the western road area. If this publication could be of use to Southall history then I would be pleased to hand it over.

    Ed Hayles

  7. David Watson avatar
    David Watson

    We are looking at proposals to redevelop St Johns Old Church (on Kings Street, Old Southall), and are looking for history societies or associations that may have an opinion on the historical significance or any historical information of the church.

    Many thanks,

    1. Geoff. A . Snelling avatar
      Geoff. A . Snelling

      Hi David
      May I recommend a book of early Southall by William F Drinkwater The details of which are as below.
      “SOUTHALL & NORWOOD” A Portrait in Old Picture Postcards.”
      Author William. F . Drinkwater
      First Published in 1992 by S B Publications, unit 2 The old Station Yard, Pipe Gate, Market Drayton, Shropshire TFG 4HY It is still obtainable
      It contains a photograph of the Old St John’s Church on the Corner of Western Rd and The Green ( King’s Street ) It was built in 1837 and the first Vicar was a Reverend . F .Hewson
      It shows a sizable graveyard surrounding it plus a photo of F. Hewson.
      When we were kids going to Saturday Morning pictures at either the Dominion or the old Gem, without realizing that we were cutting right across what remained of the graves under the ground via the Flexman’s Coaches yard on the corner of Western Rd . Little did we realize that whilst impersonating Roy Rogers final victory , we were galloping over bodies !!
      I was born in 1942 and lived in Western Road until 11years of Age. Our Family attended the newer St John’s Church in Church Rd. The vicar was a reverend Morley. ( Very stern and frightening to a young child!!)
      My Grandparents and Great Grandparents and other relations are buried in the cemetery at the end of Church Road. That is where the original entrance to it used to be before they moved it to Havelock Rd! . After living in Australia for a number of years the new entrance took some finding on one of our recent visits back.
      You are probably aware that the original Church for the Southall Norwood area pre 1800 was St Mary’s Church at Norwood Green. Most of the other Churches in Southall today were only built in the early 1900’s
      Hope this information helps
      Kind regards

      Geoff Snelling

  8. Tony Freer avatar
    Tony Freer

    Re: White Hart/Don Short/Albermale Jazz Club
    Would anyone have information on the whereabouts of Don Short today.
    I am looking for photographs and information regarding the ART WOOD COMBO who played at the White Hart. Don was also their manager at one time.
    I have a lot of info on Art and his various bands, but trying to locate photographs as well as contacting Don Short. Any assistance appreciated.
    Thanks, Tony
    Tony Freer
    Woodstock, Ontario. CANADA
    [email protected]

  9. Mr Graham Looker avatar
    Mr Graham Looker

    I am researching one of my ancestors whom I’m given to believe was a landlord of a public house in or around Southall.
    His given name was Arnold George Looker and he was born in Hertford in December 1896. His family called him ‘Ernie’, and he passed away, enjoying his retirement, in Eastbourne, I think in the late-to-middle 1980’s.
    I wonder if you have any information regarding him please?
    Thank you,
    Graham Looker (Cornwall)

    1. Yvonne Butler avatar
      Yvonne Butler

      looker ..on hounslow fb site …..syon area young man……on line family tree…looker ..3 from hounslow 20th century …heston on the border of southall

  10. Lisa Lipman avatar
    Lisa Lipman

    I am trying to reach G.P. Twyman as recommended by the V and A. Can you let me know if you can reach him? Please let him know I’d like to chat to him about the story of the Martin Brothers. Soonest would be marvellous!

  11. Diane L. avatar
    Diane L.


    I am a student from France doing research on Southall and more precisely on the Hambrough Tavern event of 1981. Would you by any chance know anyone I could contact to get more information?

    Thank you very much for your time.

    Diane L.

    1. Sanjay avatar

      I may be too late but, came across this page whilst browsing the history of Southall. I was living in southall in the late 70s.

    2. april wood ashton avatar
      april wood ashton

      a local newspaper report, perhaps?

  12. Lucy avatar

    I am very interested in the publications listed as written by RJ Meads – but am unable to access them on this site. I receive a “page not found” notification. Will they be available in future?

    I am related to the Meads family – RJ Meads was my grandmother’s grandfather’s brother’s son (don’t ask me for the technical relationship!) – and indeed my grandmother grew up on Queens Road, Southall with the Meads family and knew them all. I have been researching into the family tree, and would appreciate access to the personal memories book in particular as it will probably give a wealth of family information.

    1. graham stocker avatar
      graham stocker

      sarah Elizabeth ann meades was my grand mother any relative

    2. Jay Duffield avatar
      Jay Duffield

      My Name is Jane Bolding back then and I knew the Meads family sister used to work for Mr Mead and my dad was the president of the Southall Chamber of Commerce back in 1966
      Please email me on [email protected] for more information

  13. Jake Morgan avatar
    Jake Morgan

    Does anybody have any info about my grandfather, who worked in a bakery in Southall during WW2? He was a Welsh man called Emlyn Morgan, and worked in a bakery in Southall during WW2. Married to Eleanor, also known as Madeline, with a son Brian, born 1941. I never met him. I’m aware of his history up to the point at which he left Wales, but nobody knows what became of him after he and my grandfather split up. Ideally I’m looking for a photograph. Thanks.

  14. Laurent WIART avatar
    Laurent WIART

    I’m french historian and look for information and photo about a Southall citizen killed in Arras on September 1944 and still buried in the Faubourg d’Amiens Cemetery in Arras.
    This officer is Lieutenant Francis George SIMPSON, 4th Royal Horse Artillery dead in Arras on 7th September 1944.
    He is the Son of Francis Edward and Hilda Maud Simpson; husband of Beatrice Maude Simpson, of Southall, Middlesex.

  15. Tom avatar

    In the 1950’s I used to live in Humes avenue just off the bostan manor road, most of my family lived in the w7 and Southall, greenford area.

    My uncle son had a shoe repair shop oppisite the Odeon picture house, wouls anybody have any picture of the same around that time?

    Kindest Regards


  16. lesley neale avatar
    lesley neale

    Thanks for this website – I’ve just discovered it. I’m in the UK from Australia doing research and desperately looking for info on my grandfather who died in St Bernard’s Hospital Southall in 1972.

    Just gaining the library supervisor’s name is a big plus.

    If anyone has any ideas on how I can discover where my grandfather’s ashes might be I’d love to hear from them. My family have only just found out who our grandfather was, so any info is valuable.



  17. Robert Smith avatar
    Robert Smith

    What a really interesting site. I grew up in Southall in the 1960’s. My parents owned the newsagent’s directly opposite the entrance to Southall Park at 99, The High Street on the corner of Park View Road. Sadly pulled down in 1968. My dad had an 8mm camera and used to film various goings on in front our shop such as the Southall carnival parade in 1966 as it approached the park entrance and the “Ban the bomb” march as the protesters left the park entrance in 1967. I might still have the colour footage somewhere. I recall a very sad incident on the zebra crossing in front of the park entrance in about 1967 where a young boy (about 4 years old) was crossing the road from the park with his grandfather towards Holy Trinity church but was hit by a speeding motorist. He was thrown some 20-30 feet down the road and was sadly killed. I witnessed this as I stood on the opposite side of the road. Ironically I recall a road safety centre being built in Southall Park where as a child you could borrow bikes, scooters and little cars. They had traffic signals and a proper road layout as well. It’s where I learnt to ride a bike.

    1. Linda quinn avatar
      Linda quinn

      Hi my grandparents used to live at 1 Oakwood avenue opposite the park and in the 50s my great grandmother would use that shop. Lots of relatives married at holy trinity. Loved Southall.
      Linda quinn (Sutherland)

    2. Theresa Murphy avatar
      Theresa Murphy

      Hi we lived at 3 Orchard Ave, moved to Heston in 1968 just before my 7th birthday I went to St Anslems. I remember an old guy that had a car show room gave me a doll but can still him 🥲

  18. Tony Curnock avatar
    Tony Curnock

    My Ancestors lived in North Hyde from around 1800 through to 1900. Thomas Curnock was a wharfinger as were several of his sons. John Curnock rented Waxlow Farm for fifteen years and I have the origonal lease on vellum.Have any of your members,supporters, any information on the Curnock family that they would share with me?
    Regards Tony Curnock

    1. amit avatar

      Hi Tony,

      Thank you for your interest in the website and the fascinating information about your family’s links to Southall. I have published the details that you provided and should any readers contact me with any further information, I will forward this to you immediately.

      I hope that you will continue to pass by the site periodically; it is very much a work in progress in between lengthy work contracts, but I hope to publish the first of many pictorial historical features in the very near future.

      If you have any old images of Southall, or your family in Southall that you would like to have featured on the website, then please let me know and I will be happy to feature them will acknowledgements.

  19. amit avatar

    Hi Luke,

    Many thanks for your enquiry and interest in the Southall-History website; I think that the best person to speak to is Paul Lang, the Library Supervisor at Ealing Hospital – I believe that he is an authority on all aspects of St Bernards. The last contact details which I had were: 020 8354 8518. I hope that this will be of assistance and I wish you the very best of luck with your dissertation.

  20. Tim Clough avatar
    Tim Clough

    On 27th November 1914 my great-uncle John McKenzie of Twickenham, a telegraphic linesman with the GPO, helped to rescue Mrs Eliz Endacott from a fire at 28 & 30 King Street, Southall, where she was ill in bed upstairs, and at Brentford Police Court at an unknown date in 1915 he was awarded a certificate and a guinea by the Society for Protection of Life from Fire. I would be interested to know if there are any contemporary photographs of this address, or any newspaper accounts of the fire (not sure which paper would have covered the area) or of the certificate presentation. Any relevant information will be gratefully received.

    1. amit avatar

      Hello Tim,

      Many thanks for your enquiry regarding Endacott’s fire; quite a well known Southall event. Unfortunately, I do not believe that there are any surviving contemporary news narratives – the local paper would have been the Southall Gazette, however, they themselves do not hold archives going back to this period. I am pleased to be able to help you with photos of the fire itself; I believe there to be only two extant, both published in the excellent book ‘The Mayple and Southall Green’ by R.J. Meads. The entire volume is duplicated in full within this website and links to the two pictures are:
      Unfortunately, even within this and other volumes by the same author, no more than a passing narative of the event is made, nonetheless, I hope that this has been of use to you.

    2. Peter Steventon avatar
      Peter Steventon

      My wife saw the plane that crashed into kelvin gardens, southall in 1958, as it flew over spikes bridge park, she had recently moved from kelvin gardens to spikes bridge road.

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