It used to be a very depressed area, and Ripolin Limited, Paint Manufacturers’ works, now stands at the top of the road where the Submersible Motors used to be, before it was burned down in October 1919.
Right at the end of Dudley Road is the “subway”, a tunnel under the railway, leading to White Street and the Gas Works. This was built in 1885-86 and was a direct result of the persistance of several people crossing the railway, knowing that a footpath existed that went through the Gas Works to Bulls Bridge. It cost £300 and, of course, it proved it was needed with the use made of it.
We are now at the Gas Works. The first Gas Works was built by a private company near the canal in 1865. This was dismantled in 1869 and the Brentford Gas Company built the present Gas Works. Most of the old installations were replaced in 1929-30. The Manager in 1892 was Mr. W. Bugby. In 1933 it was taken over by the Gas Light & Coke Company, who had been formed in 1912 and had offices in White Street. With the coming of North Sea Gas , the factory gradually closed down – finally closing in 1973. Now the site is frequently used by film companies on location.
White Street with its thirty-eight small houses, has all but disappeared. Williams Houlders, Chemical and Acid Manufacturers, and others who have been in the area – Whiffens & Ackingsons ( Chemicals ): Maylors, Paint and Varnish Works, have all gone.
The “White Lion” public house which stands on the corner of The Straight and White Street ( originally on the tow path at Bulls Bridge ) must be remembered when the men from the Gas Works used to come in sweating and stripped to the waist, drink a pint or two and go straight back and sweat it out again. The present landlord. Mr. Hutchings, was born in Southall – son of Mr. C. Hutchings, Councillor.