Featherstone Road School
The first Featherstone Boys’ School opened January 5th 1891 to accommodate 200 boys, with Mr. J. Dunn Headmaster. He had been Headmaster at Southall Green Boys’ School for twenty years. After four years he retired and, in 1904, Mr. West became Headmaster.
In February 1921, a memorial to old Featherstone Road boys killed in the war was unveiled by Field Marshal Sir William Robertson. The school has always had the reputation of turning out some good sportsmen. Mr. West retired in 1931 and a temporary Head appointed until 1935 when Mr. M.G. Down became Headmaster. By a freak of circumstances, Mr. Down, although Head, was paid at least £6 per month less than six teachers under him. This gradually righted itself.
During the war, despite air raid warnings, schooling carried on and Mr. Down did a great deal for the youth of the town, for which he was later awarded the M.B.E.
After inspecting several sites, eight acres of land was purchased from the Southall Charities Trust in Western Road, and the new Featherstone County Secondary School building started in 1959. The County Architect, C. G. Stilman, F.R.I.B.A. – Builders, Messrs. W. S. Trys of Cowley. It was officially opened on Saturday 14th March 1959 by Sir Ronald Gould. The School’s motto is “We seek – we find”. The school has become famous with the formation of a brass band. It has had several foreign tours, including America.
Under the new education system it now educates boys and girls and is linked with what was Western Road Girls’ School. It is well equipped with its own sportsfield. Mr. Down retired in 1969. The Headmaster now is Mr. A. A. Berg, B. Sc.
The small Dudley Road School was built in 1897 and was an Infants’ School for thirteen years. It has since been used as a School Dental Clinic.
Mr. Maurice Down, M.B.E. died on 14th June 1980, aged 75 years.