Having said in my “Growing up With Southall from 1904” that one day I might attempt to carry on and try to record more of the growing pains of Southall, I can only hope this effort will be received with the same spirit.
One cannot get very far without the help and trust of the people from whom one obtains material. Visiting old Southall people, I have received a great deal of generous help and hospitality. It would be almost impossible to name them all – one date, one photograph, one conversation – all have been gratefully accepted.
It would not have been possible at all were it not for the great records of the Southall Public Library: Mr. Leonard Taylor and Mr Shergold for their great help in preparing the photographs: Miss M. Barnett: Mr. Bob Fowler: Mr. K. Roberts: Rev. D Bronnet ( access to Parish Registers ): Mr. M. Down, M.B.E., Dr. J. Secombe, and last but the most useful of all, Mrs. Hoskins, who had the unenviable job of typing my script and correcting my very poor grammar.
Anyone I have not mentioned will at least have the satisfaction of knowing that they have tried, like me, to ensure that Southall’s past history is placed on record. There may be a few mistakes – people seem to vary on some dates – so please accept my apologies and just pencil in your own.