The son of Reverend Frank Roberts, Vicar of St. John’s Southall – Frank Crother Roberts – was born on 2nd June 1891 and joined the army in 1911, comissioned into the 1st Bat. Worcestershire Regiment, promoted Lieut. in 1913. Awarded the D. S. O. on 3rd January 1915. Promoted Captain in August 1915.
In 1917, he was awarded the Military Cross and in March 1918, he was acting Lieutenant Colonel, and on 8th May 1918 the citation for the award of the Victoria Cross was published. It stated that “during continuous operations which covered over twelve days, he showed most conspicuous bravery in leading his improvised party into a counter-attack covering the retirement of troops, which would have otherwise been cut off”. Lt. Col. Roberts was wounded and mentioned in dispatches. He remained in the Army serving as Brigade Major to Egyptian Army 1919 – 1925. He was awarded the O.B.E. in 1927.
He was married in April 1932 at Bretby Parish Church, Miss Winifred Wragg of Swadlingcourt.
After several more assignments, he retired in 1939 with the rank of Major General, only to become Commander of South Midland Div. Territorials on the outbreak of war.
General Roberts is still alive ( 1980 ) and lives in Staffordshire.