Houses Built between 1780-1886
Townsend House. was a three-storey Victorian house situated almost opposite Hamilton Road, set back on the right hand side of South Road. It was built for the Hambro (Banking) Family. This is where the Hambrough Estate got its name. The last occupants were a family named Hudson, whose grandson was in my class at school. The house fell into ruins and was demolished in 1912 to make way for the Palace Cinema and shops.
Fairlawn Hall. This is now the Conservative Club. It was built for a retired professor and its grounds stretched as far as North Road. The Abbott family came there from Hanwell in 1876 (more about the Abbott family later).
Northcote House, South Road, built 1666 for a Mr Leybourne who died there at the age of 90. Later Mr G. Gibson, who was the first County Councilor, 31st July, 1896. Beside a lot of ground and 2 cottages was a large yard attached with a large drive in. There was a two-storey building which, when I was a boy, was a store place for R. Whites, the mineral water company, and the top floor was the Auction Sales Room for Edwards and Thomsons. Also in the yard was Kirbys (builders) workshop and a blacksmith.
Vine Cottage. This was situated at the end of Park View Road. Built in 1874 for Mr Hayes, one time Proprietor of The Times newspaper. In 1885 it was bought by Mr Charles Nash Abbott. On the site now is the Youth Centre.
The Elms, High Street. This was built around 1840 as the home of William Pearce. He was in business with a Mr Juggins, as Forage and Corn Merchants. The house was on the site where now stands the new Police Station, and his business yard was on the opposite side of North Road where the timber yard now is.
Grove House, North Road, built in 1867 for the Norman family. When he died in 1913 Mr Stroud, Veterinary Surgeon, occupied the house for about 12 years. Later, Mr and Dr Olive (his daughter) resided there, and she had her practice there also. It is now a Child Guidance Centre with a Nursery School at rear.
Hill House. Built for Mr W. W. Delotte. He was a very generous man and took a very active part in local affairs. To commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria he had built six almshouses in North Road.
Hortus House, Southall Green. Built around 1860. The home of Mr Lowe. It was on the site where Hortus Road now is and had a lot of land attached.
Elmfield House. Built around 1860. Mrs Challis, authoress, was born there. Others who lived there were Benjamin Armstrong (Brentford Magistrate) and an Indian officer named Muspratt. It was later bought by Mr George Gosney. The house was situated where Church Avenue is, and its grounds stretched as far as the Church Paths and Havelock Road.
In 1821, Genteel Mansion Manor House stood on the right hand side of Southall Green Lane, occupied by Mr Charles Reeves. There were stables, coach house, yard, garden and land — the rateable value £139.19.3½d (£139.96½). The house was demolished in 1857 and the land sold for the building of St Marylebone School (more later). In 1904 part of the land was bought by the Wesleyan Church, where now stands the Kings Hall.