Both did a wonderful job with making flower beds in the parks and laying out several new sports arenas. When amalgamation with Ealing took place in 1965 they both took sections of the new Ealing Borough open space to look after under Chief Supt Mr Hilton and retired in 1968.
On January 19th, 1946 the death was reported of Mr C. C. Stone aged 76. He had been general foreman for A. & B. Hanson for several years and had supervised the building of several of the most important places in the town, one of which was the Maypole Railway Siding, Bridge Road, which gained high awards for its excellent brickwork.
Alderman W. H. Hopkins appointed Mayor 1947.
1945 was to see Southall become a Constituency and, on the first polling day – July 5th – the 78,652 electors cast their votes:
Labour Mr Walter H. Ayle 37,404
Conservative Col. G. G. Baker 13,347
Liberal Lt-Col. Wakefield 7,598
With a Labour majority of 24,000.
Our County Councillor, George Pargiter, was elected MP for the Spelthorne Division.
The war was still taking its toll of local men. News came through that several men who had been prisoners of war in Japanese hands had died, and others lost in bombing raids over Germany. But at last came Victory. Germany had surrendered and there was great celebrations on VE Day, May 8th, with a Town Service in Southall Park on the 20th May – 4,000 in attendance. These celebrations were repeated with much more enthusiasm when, with the Japanese collapse, VJ Day arrived. Street parties, firework displays, and a big show in Southall Park. Local men began to arrive back from POW camps and publication was given to who had been awarded honours. Several Military Medals. DFC to Pilot Officer William Bentley; DSC to Lt. P. Hughes, son of Revd Hughes, Kings Hall; DSM to Telegraphist E. J. Peart.
Gradually all the auxiliary services were disbanded, each holding its own party. It was disclosed that the POW Packing Centre had despatched 924,878 parcels.
Other local news The County rate increased 1/0½d in the pound, and local rate up by 1/4d in the pound. Three ex-Mayors expelled from the Labour Party for refusing to abide by group decisions. A start made to get prefabricated houses erected on the Golf Links Estate. Thanksgiving Week total £351,748.
First mention of a school on Western Road allotment site. Borough election – Labour win 10 out of 14 seats. General George Carpenter, Chief of the Salvation Army, visited Southall on the 14th January. Two men who had served Southall and Holy Trinity Church passed on — Mr F. Webster, Stationmaster for twenty years, died on the 13th March and Mr E. Curwell, Town Clerk, died 12th November. Both were Church Wardens. Mr Ernest Ward appointed Southall Stationmaster replacing Mr W. Holmes, appointed temporarily during the war. Alderman F. E. Gardener elected Mayor for 1946.During the past two years the town had got used to having American servicemen around.