Southall 830-1982

In 1882 a 20 ft. square corrugated iron but was built by Mr C. Brown (builders of North Road) as a sub-station to accommodate one sergeant and six police constables. Before this Southall was policed from Hanwell. When The Elms in the High Street was purchased, Police Sgt. Hudson moved in and, eventually, it was the site for a permanent station.
The rateable value of the whole district of Southall and Norwood in 1871 at Michaelmas was £22,344. This had increased by 1885 to around £35,000.
In 1883 came the disastrous fire at the Southall Park Asylum in which 4 people died and, on 17th August 1887, fire completely destroyed the Southall Coffee Tavern (on the corner of Beaconsfield Road and The Crescent). The proprietor was a Mr J. Jarvis. At this time Southall had only a manual Fire Fighter. Seven fire engines arrived but nothing was saved. Many newly-formed societies who used to meet there lost all their property. The site lay derelict for several years until the Central Hall was built. At the same time as this fire there was another small one at the St Marylebone School.
In 1885 Mr C. N. Abbott started a small newspaper The Southall News.
It cost one halfpenny a copy with advertisements at one shilling (5p) per inch. Estimated circulation of 500 copies. There was always plenty of local news and the workings of the Uxbridge Vestry and Board of Guardians fully reported. Here is a sample of some of the adverts. Cottages to let Featherstone Terrace 4/- (20p) per week. Tea 2/- (10p) per pound — G. Newell Market Place who also would supply Pudding Fruit 6 pence (2½p) per pound, large Lemons 1/- (5p) per dozen, Oranges 30 for 1/-, Bacon 71/2d (4p) per pound. G. Lowe (Hortus House) Potatoes 2/6d (12½p) per bushel, Plums 3/6d (17½p) per bushel.
J. Harris, Norwood Green, Hams at 6d per pound, Butter 1/- pound, Cheese (best Cheddar) 8d per pound. Flour 3/-d (15p) half bushel, Tea from 1/4d (7p) per pound.
H. Kerswell, 3 Market Place, Boots – ladies and gents — 2/6d per pair.
T. Haines, 9 Denmark Terrace, The Green, Meat delivered home from 4d per pound.
E. Marsh, Purveyor of meat, 1/2 High Street, Mutton Legs 5d per pound, Shoulder and Loins 41/2d per pound, Neck and Breast 3d per pound.
Mrs Neave, 6 High Street, Papers delivered by 8.00 a.m. H. Tompkins, No 3 The Pavement, Haircutting 6d, Shaving 2d.
P. Bell, Southall Green, Cottage with large garden, to rent 5/- (25p) per week.
Abbotts, Fairlawn Hall, Gooseberries 5/- per bushel, delivered. W. Cuthbert, decorator, work wanted 6d per hour. Mr Abbott himself took full advantage to advertise all types of goods. On the 7th September, 1887, Mr Abbott sold out to a Mr W. H. Wheeler, who carried it on until it ceased publication on January 11th, 1888.
Houses and shops were being built. In the High Street the Abbott family were developing the right hand side with a block of eight very good shops, `Sunnyside’. Hambrough Estate had started, with Herbert and Alexandra Avenue. Builders in the village were Hansons, Peter Bell, Kirby, Phillips, Brown, E. Plaistow.