Before proceeding further, maybe reference should be made to the Norwood area which, in point of fact, is a much older Manor than Southall. I have already recorded how the Manor of Norwood and Southall came under the Church of Canterbury. How St Mary’s Church came to be. When the area was leased as two Manors, a Manor was possibly built adjacent to the church in what are now the grounds of Norwood Hall. However, no trace of this remains.
In 1481 John Peke, Master of the Ironmongers Guild, was Lord of the Manor of Norwood. In 1484 Thomas Grafton succeeded John Peke but, at some time within the next ten years, Robert Shoredycke — who already held the Manor of Southall at Dormers Wells – gained possession of the Manor of Norwood. Thus the link-up again of both Manors. The Awsiter family who bought the Southall Manor House in 1601 may have moved there from Norwood Manor House, but still retained a great interest in Norwood church, for in 1612 Francis Awsiter had a gallery erected in Norwood Church. Such galleries were frequently used for the church orchestra and choir. In 1730 Joseph Biscoe became Steward to the Awsiter family and could have come to live in Norwood Manor House. He died in 1750. His son, Elisha Biscoe, had the school built but did not live in Norwood for long.
I have described the school previously but here are more details of how he left the school provided for. In his Will, when he died on 7th November, 1776 he left 16/- a year for each child at the school for the Master and Mistress, £30 for each child for the provision of vitals and education per year, and £1 per child each Easter for clothes. The school closed down in 1954. Another benefactor of Norwood Church was Christopher Merrick who, in 1638, gave a new pulpit, a cushion and a pew for the minister. It was to his son, Francis Merrick, who was then living in Shepherds Haw (Southall Park) the Charter for Southall Market – on the 11th November 1698 — was granted.
Around The Green which was originally about 11 acres, are now very few survivors of the substantial residences built from the sixteenth century off onwards. Just off The Green on the south side is The Cedars, which had been known as the Dowager House. This has been kept in good repair. It takes its name from two splendid cedar trees in the grounds.
Norwood Hall still survives, now known as `Unwins Estate’ and has a very long history. The Norwood Rectory stands just off the road and Woodbine Terrace and Norwood Terrace lead to the old Plough. On the north side are two flat-fronted houses – The Friars and The Grange. There were several old cottages, Woodbine and Archway, then Birch the bakers with yard and bakery. A pair of cottages completed the north side. Alleyn Park Farm, which had quite a lot of land was on the west side and Bridge Hall, formerly the home of Mr Justice Spencer. But its final use was a hostel for men, opened during the First World War.
Just in The Green area two very old houses – 198 Norwood Road and the Priory.
Let us now come into Norwood over the old canal bridge. On the left hand side almost on the bridge is The Lamb, built about 1830, a beer house with stables for barge horses and garden on canal side. It is recorded that Susan Wells and a Mrs Fletcher were licensees.