Several changes were also taking place in the Norwood area – a local gentleman presented the piece of land at the rear of Frogmore House and the Police Station (now Wolf Fields) to compensate for the loss of common land taken from Frogmore and Norwood Green for road widening. This is now well maintained with tennis courts and bowling green. The two thatched cottages (Rustican) have gone and a large Rustican Garage is on the site. Two factories have been built just over the bridge on the right hand side. Some cottages have been pulled down and Wimborne Avenue and all that area, which had been the grounds of Norwood Hall and stretched back as far as Tentelow Lane, was bought by Warren and Woods. The houses built are of a very good type of residential property with plenty of garden area. The roads are all named after places in Dorset.
On the right hand side of the green the land, Alleyn Park area, was bought by the General Housing Company and Thorncliffe Road put through to North Hyde. At that end of the road is now a large school, which comes under Hounslow Borough.
Norwood Green Residents Association celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 1982. A fine booklet with the title A Story of Norwood Green was published, dedicated to Mr Whitney Willard Straight, CBE, MC, DFC, who was President of the Association from 1951 until his death on the 5th April, 1979. The family lived at ‘The Aviary’ in Windmill Lane and at all times took a great interest in Norwood Green activities. The booklet, with a wonderful number of old photographs, was the work of Miss May Barnett, helped by the Library.
1939-45 War
When the Second World War was declared on Sunday, 3rd September, 1939, like the rest of the country, blackout regulations came into being and police and, later, Air Raid Wardens made sure it was carried out. Already auxiliaries for the police and fire service had been recruited. All business premises had to organise fire watchers and all roads made their own arrangements to safeguard their homes. Gas masks had to be carried but, thank goodness, they were never required. Major Lewer was appointed Chief of all emergency arrangements.
Reinforced air raid shelters were built in various parts of the town and, as they became available, Anderson Shelters were distributed so that individual households had them in their gardens. Much later the new Morrison Indoor Shelters came. Southall expenditure on ARP during the year up to March 31st, 1940, which included the first seven months of the war, was £111,328.15.7d.
At the outbreak of the Second World War all schools were temporarily closed until safety arrangements were made. If the schools had cellars, these were reinforced, if not, some classrooms were prepared as air raid shelters. After the first shock of the war receded and, due to what became known as the ‘phoney period’ – September 1939 to September 1940 – a very quiet time, schools carried on almost as usual, each doing practice in gas alert drill, and when the air raid siren sounded perfecting the quickest methods of getting the children to the shelters, and keeping them suitably occupied while they were there.