Southall 830-1982

Abbott Family
On the 19th June, 1886, the wedding of Stephen Abbott to Elizabeth Shapland of Brighton.
At Vine Cottage, birth of a son to C. T. Abbott 20th July, 1886.
At Fairlawn Hall, the death of Julia J. Abbott, eldest daughter of Mr Walter Abbott of Hanwell on 10th September, 1886.

Around 1880 a committee meeting at the Red Lion resulted in the formation of the Southall Football Club, joining the Great Western Suburban League. They played at the Red Lion field and changed at the Red Lion. The history became very confused, for another football club, Southall Athletic, also came into being. Records show that matches were played at Station Field, Dodds Field, White Hart Field. On the 8th July, 1886, the AGM of Southall Football Club was held at the White Hart. Mr Reeves, Chairman, and Mr Basley, Hon. Sec. and Treasurer. On the 13th March, 1887 they staged the Grand Final West Middlesex Challenge Cup, playing Uxbridge Crescents at Dodds Field. The team – Craddock (goal), Daniels and Basley (backs), Saunders, Lowe, Ayres (half-backs), Strickland, Hutchings, Langley, Revening, Coales (forwards) – won 1: 0.
Cricket: Norwood Green Cricket Club was formed in 1872. After 20 years at the AGM held in April, 1894, reports showed that it had become very well established, and most of the local gents were either players or on the committee. This success continued right up to 1975 when, due to changes in the Norwood area, a gradual decline has set in and, with the loss of Mr Askew – President — and Mr Bill Lewis — Treasurer in 1979, in 1982 it is having a job to survive.
Golf: At the end of 1889 the West Middlesex Golf Club was formed and the Brent Valley Golf Course laid out. It is one of the most natural courses in the country, and occupies nearly 200 acres, 18 hole course, nearly 5 miles round. It sweeps round Dormers Wells, Greenford to Hanwell Church, to the club in Greenford Road. Despite several fires and numerous break-ins, it is still going strong in 1982.
In 1887 it was reported in the Southall News — ‘The death on Monday, 14th April of Mr J. Nicholls (aged 75).’ When a young man he was a good athlete. On one occasion he ran as link man in front of the Mail Coach from the White Hart to High Wycombe, a distance of 20 miles, carrying lighted torches to guide it through the fog. He was gardener to Mrs Lawes whose house occupied a large area between South and Avenue Roads.

Mr W. C. Hall, Headmaster of St Johns School, a rise from £120 per year to £135 from 24th June, 1887.
The Clerk of Norwood Schools Board (part-time), salary raised to £40 per year.
Cleaners: Norwood Bridge School 8/- (40p) per week. North Road School 7/6d (37½p) per week, St Johns School 6/- (30p) per week, 1886.