An order was made that all iron railings were to be made available and that all waste paper be collected. The Council had served over 100,000 meals in the Borough Cafes, and this was to be increased by opening more halls so as to be ready to serve 1,400 per day. Mr F. J. Lever was appointed Assistant Chief Warden, salary £300 per year. On the 9th January, 1942 Councilor Harry Willis died, aged 78. He was a Councillor for twelve years, Chairman 1908-9. He served in the Fire Brigade for 20 years, becoming Chief after retirement of Mr Abbott. He was a builder and well connected with the Kings Hall.
The Mayor and Mayoress, Councillor and Mrs Amos, launched a Warship Week, March 21st to 28th, the object was to raise £400,000 to adopt the destroyer Boreas. They organised a procession through the town with the Royal Marines and Life Guards Bands taking part. Petty Officer D. J. Morris, DSM, the town’s first naval man to be decorated, opened the fund. By the end of ten days £477,174 had been donated and, with the ship adopted, funds were collected for comforts for the crew. Up till April 1942, 250,000 parcels for prisoners of war had been despatched by voluntary workers of St John and Red Cross Committee.
The Council passed plans for a dairy and sterilisation plant for the Norwood Farm Dairy in Havelock Road, where now stands the Temple. The Brentford branch closed on the 4th May, 1942 and, since that time, has only been used for freight. Also in May 1942 the first mention in the Council Chamber regarding prefabricated houses. Featherstone Terrace was declared a clearance area.
At the end of August all men born in 1893 had to register (48 years old). Milk rationing was introduced. There were 2,379 allotments and more were planned. Southall lost the chance of having its name put on military tanks – they fell short of the National Savings Target. Alderman Dave Neighbour was elected Labour Mayor for 1943.
By this time the town had settled down to war conditions. On the 31st January, at a meeting at the Kings Hall, the plaques were handed over completing the town’s adoption of HMS Boreas. Vice Admiral Gordon Camphill, VC, accepted on behalf of the ship. The town’s one is still on the right hand wall of the Town Hall.
On February 1st the Fairlawn Hall was taken over by the Fire Service.
The total rate income was £700,382. Rateable value of the town £419,320. Rate 14/2d. A penny rate would produce £1,599.
Councillor G. Harris died 15th February. Councillor for six years, Councillor, J. Hill, died 4th May. He was on the Council for 17 years. He was in business as a newsagent both in Regina Road and Western Road. The MOH, Dr Grundy, was called up to the RAMC in April.
Great efforts were put into a ‘Wings for Victory’ Savings Drive and £532,805 received. More and more local men reported killed in action and news received that several were prisoners of war. Several more honours had been won. Lieut. G. M. Jensen had won the George Medal.
After 30 years service with schools, Miss Alder retired as Headmistress of Dormers Wells Senior Girls School. Councillor J. M. Sturgeon was elected Mayor for 1944.