For something that has yet to take place — the MCC purchased the Barclay Bank at the corner of High Street and Avenue Road for road widening. They also allocated part of Brent Meadow for permanent allotment.
Brian Gibbons, who was very badly burned in the Southall air disaster trying to save life, was awarded the George Medal, which he received from the Queen on July 7th. He also received £25 and a Bronze Medal from the Carnegie Hero Fund.
Other Items
Plans passed for Further Extensions at the AEC.
St John’s Church celebrates its Golden Jubilee.
The Borough decides to close its piggery.
Southall Football Club Secretary, Mr Ken Gower, resigns after ten years.
Plans for ‘The Limes’ at Bridge Road, costing £82,800, and the site in Telford Road chosen for the ‘Eventide Homes’.
On Saturday, June 27th, due to Labour troubles, the Gazette combined twelve local papers and published Middlesex County Press but, by July 11th, it had come back to a combined Middlesex County Times and West Middlesex Gazette.
In preparation for the Carnival, Southall’s First Dowager Queen – Mrs Beatrice Egerton (73) – was chosen. She was on one of the floats in what was the best carnival procession to date. Led by the Pride of Murray Band, it got to the park just in time to miss the heavy downpour of rain.
The Parliamentary Election took place early October. In support of the Conservative Candidate, the Prime Minister – Mr Harold MacMillan – visited Southall on the 28th September. The result of the election: Mr George Pargiter (Lab.) 22,285 retained his seat. Mr M. Underhill (Con.) 19,966.
The Minutes of the Council show that Civil Defence was still a major factor in the Borough. Councillor J. Woodruff was appointed Chairman of the Civil Defence Committee. There was an appeal for more recruits and more money was being spent on the shelter in Beatrice Road.
Road Safety was also high on the agenda and a great many road signs began to appear. The Clean Air Act of 1956 and Smoke Control Order No 2 came into operation 1st May, 1961, and several local firms received warning notices regarding smoke nuisance.
The deaths occurred in February 1961 of Mr and Mrs Amos. She was the first Lady Mayor of Southall (1944-45). Councillor Ward was elected Mayor for 1960-61.
A Works Centre for the elderly was established at the Municipal Sports Ground. A proposal to build offices for the Parks Department on the site of the Cemetery Lodge in Havelock Road, which had been pulled down in 1958, did not take place. Also, once again, the question of providing Slipper Baths at the corner of Hartington and Featherstone Road was discussed but nothing done. The Council was notified by British Rail that work to strengthen the Station Bridge would result in part of the station being demolished. This took place in 1961 and Southall has still half a station today.